Empowering Change Through Fashion Evolution | Join Us in Transforming the Industry!

D7ETTA Corporation is a 501 c3 non-profit organization that prioritizes education and immediate change for the unjustified systems in the garment industry. By capturing the reality of fast fashions and displaying talent without compromise, we will continue to strive for unwavering changes. Our commitment to justice is what fuels our creativity and aspiration for a new garment system, free from deplorable actions.

Based in Baltimore City, D7ETTA (D'etta) Corporation non-profit organization is on a mission to change the narrative for fashion. In an effort to bring awareness to the human and environmental injustices plaguing the global fashion industry, our nonprofit business offers an exceptional level of passion and transparency to make a difference. Using informational webinars and redesigning existing clothing, we not only educate but take actionable steps in Sustainable Fashions.
Starting November 1st Baltimore County will be joining the band on single-plastic use bags. A law was put into place called "Bring Your Own Bag" in order to reduce plastic waste in our community. The government is warning everyone to please take actionable steps now to prepare for when this law takes effect. D7ETTA Corporation has a Solution for you to get prepared, click the button below to find out more.

☛ That most people ONLY wear just 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time.
☛ The United States consume 24% of the earth energy but only take up 5% of the worlds population.
Why is this important?

Understanding these two facts can provide insights into various aspects of consumer behavior, resource consumption, and societal trends. These facts can prompt discussions and actions related to sustainable consumption, environmental stewardship, and global equity. They provide valuable insights into societal patterns and challenges that need to be addressed for a more sustainable and equitable future.

join the movement
D7ETTA Corporation encourages everyone to play their part in our Sustainability Movement. The only way we succeed is when the change comes from within, and we want to empower you to take an active role. Learn more about the opportunities available to lend your support.

Is a movement that refers to clothing that is designed, manufactured, distrusted and used in ways that are social and environmentally friendly.
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