Empowering Change Through Fashion Evolution | Join Us in Transforming the Industry!

About Us

"Based in Baltimore City, D7ETTA (D'etta) Corporation non-profit organization is on a mission to change the narrative for fashion. In an effort to bring awareness to the human and environmental injustices plaguing the global fashion industry, our nonprofit business offers an exceptional level of passion and transparency to make a difference. Using informational webinars and redesigning existing clothing, we not only educate but take actionable steps in Sustainable Fashions."
Danielle Harris
Founder & CEO of D7ETTA Corporation
About Us
D7ETTA Corporation works diligently to set the new standard for what fashion can become for future generations. We are determined to eliminate hazardous working conditions as well as the harmful treatment of animals. It is no longer a secret how wasteful, corrupt, and unjust fast fashion has been over the years. Using mountains of empirical facts, we unveil the impacts this has on not only our planet but our society. While this continues to be a disconcerting topic, it is our hope that D7ETTA Corporation reveals the gravity of long-term damage and presents attainable ways towards social and environmental justice.
D7ETTA Corporation encourages everyone to play their part in our Sustainability Movement. The only way we succeed is when the change comes from within, and we want to empower you to take an active role. Learn more about the opportunities available to lend your support.